Jr. High & High School | Tuesdays | 7:00-8:15pm.
122 Avenida Victoria Apt E, San Clemente, CA 92672
12 Calle Angelitos, San Clemente, CA 92673
In our weekly Bible study gatherings, we love to have fun and focus our eyes together on Christ through praying, digging deeply into the Scriptures, thoughtfully discussing how to apply God’s Word to our lives with leaders and students. All Jr. High and High School students are welcomed and wanted to join us!
Jr. High & High School | Sundays | 8:30a-9:45a
1020 Calle Recodo, San Clemente, CA 92673
Every Sunday, students join the rest of the Union Church family in the Worship Center for the first service at 8:30a. After praying and singing with the whole church family, the students are dismissed with their leaders to enjoy time together for fellowship and Bible Study until the end of first service. Come and join us and feel free to bring a friend!
UCHSM exists to accomplish three goals:
To help high school students to KNOW Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul once said, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8). We agree and want to make the good news of Jesus Christ central to everything we say and do so students would come to know the grace and goodness of Jesus Christ. We want to help students taste and see that there is nothing better than personally knowing the Risen King, Jesus Christ, and being known by him.
To help high school students to DECLARE Jesus Christ.
Not only do we want our students to know Jesus, but we want to help them make Jesus known by sharing the good news of salvation to their non-Christian friends and family so they can be saved from death into life! For us, high school students are not hassles to be endured, but heralds to be equipped.
To help high school students MAKE DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ.
Jesus has given the Church one mission, to make disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20), and it doesn’t have an minimum age requirement. Christian high school students are called to the work of discipling others! Therefore, we disciple our high school students not to help them follow Jesus, but so they’d be able to help others follow Jesus too.
UCHSM is led by a group of men and women* dedicated to helping students know, declare, and disciple. Helping people follow Jesus is a team sport and here is our team.

High School Girls Leader
I was a junior in high school when I met Jesus and he changed my entire life. A friend had invited me to her youth group that school year and I was pursued and loved by leaders and fellow students. I am humbled to care for these students because the Lord can use this time in their lives to get a hold of their hearts, just as he did mine!

High School Guys Leader
I am one of six kids! I was raised in a Christian family, but decided to truly follow Christ when I was twenty. I am excited to be used by Christ in high school ministry and our broader church family.

High School Guys Leader
I live in San Clemente and enjoy coffee, design, and photography. I came to know Christ as my Savior in my last years of high school. I’m excited to share Jesus with the high schoolers in our town and help them grow in Christ’s likeness!

High School Girls Leader
I have lived in San Clemente for the majority of my life! When I found Union, the gospel-centered community drew me in and it's changed the way I walk with the Lord on a daily basis. I strive to share the good news of Jesus with our beautiful beach town and beyond!

Chris Everett
Jr. High Guys Leader
I was 17 years old when Jesus saved me from a life of enmity with Him. I love telling adolescents about the riches and beauty of the Gospel through God’s word. I have been working with youth for over a decade and it never gets old seeing young people light up when they experience a deeper knowledge of their Creator.

Natalie Everett
Jr. High Girls Leader
I was raised in a Christian home but accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 19 years old while on an international missions trip. I have served in youth ministry for the last five years and feel so blessed to be able to share the good news with female students.

Junior High Girls Leader
I grew up in Santa Clarita, CA. and moved to San Clemente three years ago. My relationship with the Lord started when I was in the seventh grade, which is why I love Jr. High ministry so much! That and because jr. high students are the best! When I’m not working, I’m typically sewing clothes or spending time with friends.
* To ensure the safety of our students and the faithfulness of our ministry, every leader in the HSM is a member of Union Church and has been formally interviewed, processed, and background-checked before ever being with students.